Monday, July 30, 2007

Double Your Pleasure!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but here is my Pajiba review of The Two Coreys! It's one of the most god-awful reality shows I've ever had the displeasure of seeing in my life -- but on the upside it makes for a pretty damn entertaining review.

And is it just me, or is Feldman starting to resemble K.D. Lang?


TK said...

is Feldman starting to resemble K.D. Lang?

Whoa... that's just fucking creepy.

Great. Guess I'm sleeping with the lights on tonight.

litelysalted said...

Hee! Feldman is like the modern day Freddy Kreuger.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't look like Corey Haim on the left. I once saw the "True Hollywood Story" about them and Haim looked like he was wearing dentures. What a waster.

Bianca Reagan said...

is Feldman starting to resemble K.D. Lang?


Anonymous said...

Matthew and I commandeered a TV just to watch this... what was funny about it was that we were both on the edge of our seats, at the same time, going, it's scripted, it's stupid, this is ridiculous. It was enough to get me to break out Dream a Little Dream for nostalgia's sake!