Thursday, October 25, 2007

Email Transcript of the Day

Me: GODDAMMIT. Someone take the internet away from Dad.

Sis: Haha I actually got the Halloween pets email from Thedy before and sent it out to a couple people. The fwds today could have been worse, for sure...

Me: I know. I got the Halloween Pets one, and I was like okay, I can see this. But the second one, now he's just being ridiculous.

Sis: I consider myself lucky every time I open one that doesn't say something like, "If you send this to 10 people, you'll get your wish!!"

Me: Good point. I guess when it comes down to it, neither of these made me totally question if I was the product of an extraterrestrial genetics experiment.

Sis: Yeah...c'mon...who doesn't love puppies?? Evil people, that's who.


Anonymous said...

And puppies with buckets on their heads with maniacally laughing babies at their side, no less...

Beckylooo said...

You know what I'd LURVE? If you and Dan started a blog called: Conversations with My Sister. Hilarity would most definitely ensue.

litelysalted said...

I know, I totally stole this idea from Dan. It's not my fault we both have funny sisters.

Maniacally laughing baby. I love it.

Anonymous said...

The only thing better than one puppy is TWO puppies.

Yes, that is my actual comment, I love dogs. You know what, I don't need to explain myself to you people.


Jayne said...

that is too funny. I'm utterly perplexed every time I open up a picture forward... I wonder, why exactly did they think of me when they saw this...?