Thursday, April 19, 2007

Here's lookin' at you, kid...

Bad news today, readers. To follow up on my last post: As it turns out, the kind of people who would be willing to vote for an American Idol sight-unseen, solely for the purpose of bringing down American Idol? Are actually the kind of people who are too lazy to vote for American Idol. Who'da thunk?

This is exactly the kind of voter apathy that a conservative acquaintance of mine once told me supposedly won George W. Bush not one but two Presidential Elections. (Or, "won" depending how you want to look at it.) Naturally, I told him to go fuck himself and the real reason is that rednecks are akin to cockroaches, but now I'm starting to think he was on to something.

Let's have it out. WHO DIDN'T VOTE? What... Who, me? I don't have to vote for Sanjaya. I'm an influencial blogger. I'm the one who tells you to vote for Sanjaya. Sheesh. If you don't get that much what are you even doing here?*

*Wait! I was kidding! Don't go! You know I thrive on your attention. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!


Anonymous said...

After 9-11, President Bush told America to carry on with our normal lives. Part of my normal life was NOT to watch American Idol. I have lived by that way of life ever since.

Note: I KNOW, thanks to Google, American Idol wasn't on prior to 9-11 Just humor me huh?

P.S. Salted, the "frog green" window sill came out really great. Maybe I'll send a couple of pics of it in the next email..

Anonymous said...

*sighs* There, now I can relax.

TK said...

That's it! This type of insult will not stand. I'm outta here, never looking back.

Anonymous said...

If you tell me I should stay, I'll stay. Please tell me what to do!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

litelysalted said...

Nooo! I love youse guys! I promise I'll be nice from now on!

TK said...

"I promise I'll be nice from now on!"

You do that and I really won't come back. Who needs more nice in their life? Not me, LS. Not me.

litelysalted said...

You're absolutely right, TK. And fuck you!

Was that better? :D