Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Is Christian Finnegan Anorexic?

Admittedly, I don't watch Best Week Ever as often as I used to, ever since I realized that The Soup provides a more effective dose of weekly pop culture snark. But lately, whenever I see BWE comedian Christian Finnegan (on commercials or otherwise) he is looking less and less like himself. Well I just happened upon his photo on myspace and the reason is suddenly crystal clear. He is turning into Fire Marshal Bill. Don't believe me?

Check it out.

Christian, if you're out there: Seriously. Let your inner chubby guy out. You know you want that cookie, bro. All chocolately and crumbley. Go ahead, I won't tell... It'll be our secret.


Anonymous said...

sometimes we have that crazy sister mind shit goin on (oh yeah, and i guess it also helps that we were both watching i love NY reunion smackdown last night...). i barely ever catch best week ever, but i saw him on some commercial last night (and didn't know his name...i think of him primarily as the whitey whose dad gets stabbed in the dave chappelle real world skit) and i was shocked by how skinny he is now. he's no longer the fatty sobbing while tyrie does his girlfriend in the next bed over....haha...

litelysalted said...

I could see that maybe back in his Chappelle days, he stood to lose a few pounds, which he did... But there was a good period of time where he was just slightly chubby, and I personally think that "slightly chubby" is a good look for him. And hey man, if you can rock "slightly chubby" then I say just run with it!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that. I remember him mostly from his sitcom with Nikki Cox (pardon while I drool for second......k, done). I think he's pretty funny but he's probably trying too hard to keep from being typecast as "the funny fat guy".

Anonymous said...

I don't really know who Christian Finnegan is but I do agree with you Salted, if he shaves off his eye lashes and removes his upper lip, he would be a dead wringer for Fire Marshal Bill.

"Let me tell ya sunthin"

Natalia said...

I do miss the chub.

Anonymous said...

funny... i just commented on joe derosa's photo page, there's a pic of him and christian finnegan and i made some comment about how they both looked bulimic or something, cos they've both recently lost weight.

litelysalted said...

LOL DeRosa went on Carson Daly? I did not know that. Anyway, my memories of him are for the most part drunkenly blurred, but I do not recall him ever needing to lose weight. Must be all that coke those NY comedians are always doing.

no said...

I like your post and Fire Marshall Bill used to make me incredibly uncomfortable because I have a phobia of people without lips. Don't ask. BUT SLOWLY GOING BALD TOTALLY BLOGGED US UP! I don't know if it's entirely clear based on that last incomplete sentence made entirely of capital letters but I'm officially flattered:)

Catsandbeer.com said...

I just saw the man on Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann and was all set to write up an article asking if Christian Finnegan had his stomach stapled - not only did he look unhealthy skinny but his hair was frightening, kind of like how the hair (and nails) of a corpse has the appearance it keeps growing after death since the rest of the bottom shrinks up - anyway, decided to do some quick market research to see if anyone had already made similar such observations - finding this article tells me I don't need to proceed - well done