In some aspects I was fearless child; performing daredevil stunts on my bike, picking fights with bigger kids, catching and keeping as pets various reptiles and amphibians, and climbing to the highest branches of the tallest trees. I even punched my kindergarten teacher. In the face.
But I was terrified of any kind of imagery depicting horror or the paranormal. Now don't you worry, I outgrew this mild form of retardation by my early teens and subsequently inhaled the entire works of Stephen King by the time I was 17. But for now, here for your amusement are some random things that tormented a young litelysalted.

The horror section at the local video store: When I was growing up the video store in our town was a combination mattress and video store. I shit you not. But that's besides the point. To get to the children's section where I would invariably rent The Last Unicorn or a compliation of Disney shorts, I had to walk past the horror movie section. I was so scared of all those horrible boxes with grinning skulls and titles in dripping blood lettering I would have my mom cover my eyes as we walked past.

Amazing Stories: For the most part, I loved this show. It was a poor man's Twilight Zone created by Stephen Spielberg, and most of the stories were fantasy based, feel goodey schmoop. But there was this one episode in particular, Mirror, Mirror, which featured a horror writer who would see a phantom trying to kill him everytime he looked in a mirror. This scared the bejeezus out of me to the point where it was literally a good 5 years before I felt that I could safely look into a mirror.
Recently I rented this show on DVD, and actually felt quite nervous playing this episode which had haunted me for the better part of my childhood. I started watching it, creeped out as I anticipated the phantom, which of course turned out to be embarrassingly stupid and not the slightest bit scary. (And played by Tim Robbins, I soon after found out.)
Honorable Mention: I won't go so far as to say this tormented or terrified me, but for some reason I really did not care for the intro scene from You Can't Do That On Television. Something about the way the guy's face cracked and fell apart inexplicably rubbed me the wrong way. So much, in fact, that I used to change the channel or leave the room when it came on.
I was and am a crier. Now though, I blame it on the 'goddamn allergies'.
Anywho, I used to get the wiggin's over lots of stuff. The wolf in the neverending story, the living superhero doll in that one x-mas muppet movie, the painful soul suckage of the cute, little muppets in the dark crystal, the care bears movie with the wannabe magician kid. Hey, that green face in the book of spells was freaky! That doesn't include actual horror movies like 'IT'. In 8th grade my hip english teacher had the acid flashback induced idea to broaden our minds by showing that movie during classtime. I can't tell you how long it took me to be totally certain that air vents and water taps were not going to suddenly eject blood into my bathroom as I showered.
i love your blogs. hooray.
anyway, the thing that scared the crap out of me when i was little was the zombie that came out of the sewer in the Thriller video. The video as a whole kinda freaked me out, but I couldn't stand to see the one from the sewer. I was a strange child.
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