Wednesday, July 02, 2008

All By Myself

So maybe this doesn't seem very impressive... But if you successfully parallel-parked for the first time ever at age 30, you'd be damn sure to capture it for posterity, too.


TK said...

Wait... what?!

How is this possible?

I swear, sometimes it's like talking to an alien.

litelysalted said...

I didn't get my driver's license until I was 23, and even then I failed the test three times because I couldn't parallel park. Eventually the guy took pity on me and helped me cheat. It's been something of an Achilles Heel, you could say.

Beth said...

Well I'M impressed, for one...

Anonymous said...

Haha, I sympathize totally. I learned to parallel park in my dad's truck and I just kept telling him that my brain doesn't work backwards.

Anney E.J. Ryan said...


prisco said...

I'm afraid using a roll of Mentos to lure two stout farmhands to lift your wee little car and place it next to the curb doesn't count as parallel parking.

Anonymous said...

Parallel parking was the only thing I got right immediately in driver's ed. In college I could even squeeze my big old Volvo into the most unlikeliest of spaces. Then, after years of not needed to parallel park, I lost my mojo. The spirit of parallel parking has left me, like a defunct psychic.